Reconciliation Action Plan

In collaboration with Uncle Dean Kelly and Aunty Calita Murray, our team has been working on the development of our Reflect RAP. This isn't just about ticking boxes – it's a journey that's challenged us, opened our eyes, and solidified our commitment to reconciliation.

Guided by the cultural wisdom of Uncle Dean and Aunty Calita, we've engaged in a dialogue that goes beyond corporate rhetoric. We've actively listened, reflected, and collectively committed to ensuring positive outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

As we near the finalisation of our RAP, we remain committed to our journey of learning, acknowledgment, engagement, connection, and partnership with traditional custodians.

Uncle Dean and Aunty Calita have played a pivotal role in shaping our approach. Their practical insights have been crucial, making this more than a procedural exercise and transforming it into a genuine partnership with indigenous voices.

Our gratitude extends to Uncle Dean and Aunty Calita for generously sharing their time, knowledge, and wisdom throughout this crucial process. This isn't just a corporate duty – it's a shared commitment to a future of inclusivity and harmony.

Stay tuned for updates as we navigate this purposeful path toward reconciliation. It's not just a journey; it's a testament to the power of genuine engagement and collaborative action.


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